Thursday, May 24, 2007

The lost whales

I’m sure many of us have heard about the two wayward whales that swam north along the Sacramento River.
They were spotted on May 13tTh on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and they have been almost 12 days in a fresh water environment which they are not adapted to.

One of the articles I read said that Brian Gorman, a spokesman for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration mentioned "I wouldn't say there's a lot of optimism right now".

I’m wondering if those whales were here in our bay and if we have photographed them (or at least the mother) and included them in our catalog...I'll try to get in touch with some of the people up north trying to help those whales and ask them if they have photographed the mother's underside of the tail.

I can relate to these people's frustration of not being able to help them...last February here in our bay, a calf was ran over by a boat and left her injured... on February 11Th I was able to photographed the calf and the mother (shown in the photo above) which seemed to be doing OK at that moment however, that was the last time we saw them here and I wonder if the calf survived.

We may be able to answer this and other questions in the future if we continue to work on our photo identification project here in our bay.

The more we know about them and their migration habits, the more we will be able to help protect them.

What can you do to help? if you come to Puerto Vallarta and are thinking of going on whale watching tour, come with us and be sure that when you pay for a ticket to go see these beautiful giants, you are supporting a project that may help save the whales.

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